So a couple months ago I finally joined the toy camera craze and acquired me a Holga. Holga’s are basically a very inexpensive way to shoot some medium format 120 film. If you Google it, you’ll find whole websites devoted to them as well as tips and tricks on modifications one can do to make the images even more unique.
I bought about 5 rollls and finished the last 2 during that BTS shooting I did for Mo’s Cheap Motel shoot. Here’s a few of my fav’s.
Unlike digital, You only get so many clicks and even then you are not totally sure you got what you wanted… The next 2 are the only 2 images that came out with the color film. I used flash for these 2 and the other 10 or so I shot I mistakenly thought it would be bright enough in the room. I had full on intentions of holding the shutter longer to expose, but I guess I didn’t! Sucks because I know I had some really sexy shots!
The below are some BTS shots from Mo’s previous Halloween Prom shoot…
On the version Holga I have, there is a red, blue, gold and white filter you can dial in over the flash…thus the color tinting in some of these.
All in all, these toy camera’s are a fun way to get your photography fix. I’d highly recommend one for yourself or a photog friend! Very cheap and easily replaceable should you break it! Film pricing isn’t so bad either. Usually about 5 bucks a roll. You can get 12-16 shots with the one I have. So expect to see more after the busy holiday’s pass. I’d like to get in a few full shoots with it just for fun!
Alas, I’ll part you with a bona fide Self-portrait!
You can check out all the shot’s I got developed on my site here.
Dick - Oh man, good stuff!!! Now I gotta dust off my Holga for sure and fire off some shots!
You have the 120 or 35mm version?
Flip - 120 version! cool stuff man. I can’t wait to shoot some more with it.
christy - I want one!
Barbara - really cool shots