Category Archives: Misc

Photography Rights?

This is a subject that the majority of people are miss informed on.  I posted this question on my personal Facebook page and wasn’t surprised by most of the responses.  Some were close to what the actual law’s state some were off and some were some where in the middle.  If you are a photographer,…

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“I need a camera that takes good pictures…”

If you are a photographer, you’ll probably hear this …a lot.  “Can you recommend a good camera? My pics always come out blurry” .  Well, chances are it’s more to do with camera settings and low light situations than the actual camera being the culprit of poor photos.  When I ask what are they shooting…

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Life without Facebook…

Since I’m getting texts about my Facebook page getting updated and why am I on Facebook, lol..I have a WordPress plugin that  autoposts to my Facebook page jackasses! leave me alone! lol. ..but yeah, technically I’m Facebooking without being on Facebook.  I guess that’s cheating huh? Oh well…My last to blog updates I’ve had texts…

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Let Love Rule…

[pinterest] Like many people, my teen years played a huge impact on who I am today.  Maybe a little more profound for me since I had to grow up really fast becoming a father at an early age of 17.  During those early teen years I had discovered Lenny Kravtiz, and long before he made…

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The Big Bass Drum, led the Big Parade…

…all on a Mardi Gras Day…  Well, it’s only Lundi Gras still, but that song has been stuck in my head for a couple days now.   Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday…it’s here again.  As a kid, I would be so pumped to wake up at the crack of dawn, hop in the car packed and loaded…

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