Like many people, my teen years played a huge impact on who I am today. Maybe a little more profound for me since I had to grow up really fast becoming a father at an early age of 17. During those early teen years I had discovered Lenny Kravtiz, and long before he made it big within the mainstream music industry his music was flowing through my speakers during almost every passing moment. Damn, I even lost my virginity while Lenny’s funky smooth style laid out the scene. From then, fast forwarding a few years…for my first marriage (YIKES!) we danced to Lenny Kravitz and then my 2nd child and first daughter, Zoe was born. I guess I don’t need to explain the name. Despite all of that, I never considered myself a “FANatical” like you see on those MTV shows. I was just an artist who fully appreciated another artists talents. Still am.
About a month ago my wife stumbled upon Kravtiz tour schedule stop in Biloxi, MS at the Beau Rivage. Ironically, it was the same date as her birthday so we made a little birthday trip. Sadly, no cameras or recording devices were to be allowed but no one told ALL ATTENDING. However, I doubt I could have gotten in with my 5D and 70-200 lens. Luckily, the venue was small and we were right UP ON THE stage rails. BOOYA. The below shots portray what was the best concert i’ve been to to date. All with my iPhone. The filtered ones are shots I uploaded to Instagram as a somewhat LIVE feed during the show. (add me on Instagram – flipstylephoto)
Shooting Lenny Kravitz for real…would be AWESOME.
haha, if you came here by way of my facebook fan page…my blog auto posts to it. I didn’t break Lent. Haters! lol