So says Fergie…but really??? Not to take away from Fergie, she’s a great performer and is certainly quite attractive (most of the times)… But REAL WOMEN have MUSCLES!!!…

Danielle Kifer's - Pink Muscle Team (+ Chanse Charrier) clockwise left to right - April, Julie, Sarah, Danielle, Kelly, Deborah and Chanse.
There was NO shortage of the latter at the Red Stick Classic this past weekend! yeah, I know a lot of the insecure puny guys are thinking, “WTF FLIP?! Those girls could kick my ass. Show us some of the usual stuff you shoot.” It’s not just the visual astethics that makes fitness/figure competitors appealing, but knowing the hard work, dedication and focus they put into achieving such a high level of fitness that makes these individuals true athletes. That goes for both men or women in this sport. Think about it, most of us have a hard time just putting down that bag of chips let alone getting under some heavy iron after an already long day of work…or waking early to get it done BEFORE the workday…lol.
My wife’s trainer, IFBB Pro Figure Competitor – Danielle Kifer had a team of ladies (and Chanse) competing at this event which in the end all placed top 5 or better! Congrats to Danielle and all the ladies (and Chanse) for a job well done.
Here’s a few individual shots of some of the team. (Sorry April and Julie! I didn’t get to snap you guys. Next time!)




and the driving force behind Pink Muscle

Danielle Kifer (not my shot, I just stole it from a Google search. sue me)
HOLY MOTHER OF MONKEY’S UNCLES!! People really can get their bodies in that level of condition! You people think I’m a narcissistic bastard now, ya’ll gonna loath me if I ever achieve that type of conditioning! (don’t hold your breath though)
All jokes aside…if you are looking to improve your health from a few pounds to possibly getting competitive, give her a shout. I hear she’s good. Those of you who know me personally, you’ve seen the amazing transformation my wife’s gone through since our baby…all resulted from Danielle’s advice.
If you are wanting to see some of these ladies (and Chanse) compete in person, come out to the Greater Gulf States this weekend at the Landmark Hotel in Metairie, LA Saturday. If you see me, say hi!! …or not.