Got the email from Tattoo Magazine and the article is printed and the issue is on the streets… So I can release it here. Thanks to the ladies who’s photos they used, without you I might be shooting birds and flowers. ;-p And a big thank you to Blair Johnston and Renee Ramos the 2 sexy ladies behind some of the makeup work.

Ohh...stop stroking my ego...

Model credits: Liz Brutal

Model credits: (top) Nettie Harris (bottom R) Liz Brutal (Bottom L) Ratheal

Model Credts: (top left) Kevin and Ratheal (top right) Jessica Masters (bottom) Ratheal (inset) Me and Tammy Ramos
I think there is the English version of article on the web somewhere for those who can’t read Hungarian. I’ll dig it up.
I’m still looking to shoot any tattooed females. I have a small back up in shoots, but send me an email at along with some current photos, (showing as much of your ink work as possible) and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for looking.